$250 as a pet $350 with pedigree and breeding rights if approved. Half down is required to hold and deposits are non refundable. This darling guy is out of Harnack Holland Lops Bryar-Chocolate Otter(1/2 European) and Rio (lilac) He is sweet and ready to win your heart over. He is ready to hop on February 11th when he is 8 weeks old. He’s friendly and started on litter box training and will have a nice velvet coat. All of my bunnies are raised indoors, handled often, around dogs and children and very loved. I don’t use many transports and my schedule doesn’t allow me to meet them so they must come to my neighborhood to pick up. Please make sure you have read my sales policy and fill out an application. Thanks for doing your homework and respecting my time. If you are under 18 please have a parent message me. I will not go back and forth messaging unless I have your parents approval to get a new pet.
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