Here is what you will need to travel with your new baby.
I know you will be excited to take your new baby home and will want to hold and snuggle them on the way home as you think this will make them feel safer. With rabbits it is the complete opposite, if they are in a situation they are not comfortable with since they are prey animals they will not feel safe unless all four feet are on the ground. So while you might think it's best to hold them they are safer and will be less scared in a small carrier. You can talk to them and hold your hand in there so they can get used to your smell and bond with you on the way home. Even if it's just a short drive it's nice to always have a carrier for vet visits or so you have a safe secure place to put them if you need to move them around. A scared bunny might jump out of your arms and get somewhere in the car that is not safe, pee or poop on you, scratch you, or nibble on your clothes to be put down. A bad experience in the car could ruin your rabbits trust with you for a very long time. You will need a blanket, potty pad or towel in the carrier so they don't slip around, slippery surfaces can also make them scared. I send home a toy and a toilet paper roller with hay to keep them busy in the kennel, however an item with your scent in the carrier is a good idea as well. If you plan to bond your bunny with another bunny bringing an item with the other bunny's scent in the carrier. If you do not want to purchase a carrier a deep laundry basket at least two feet or deeper will work if you have a short drive and they are next to you so you can watch them. I will not allow any bunnies to go home in a box. If you show up with a box or ask for a box you will have to buy a carrier that I have on hand here from me. Can you imagine not knowing where you are going and being put in a cardboard box? This is not how you treat animals and this has happened way too many times before and I will no longer allow it. Here are a few carriers I can suggest, if you have a dog or cat carrier or crate at home feel free to use one of those. Rabbits do better in smaller spaces when traveling so as long as they can stand up and turn around and stretch out that should be sufficient to get them from here to your home. Soft sided carriers do not work for rabbits, they will chew the mesh or if they soil it, it will be hard to clean. A plastic hard sided carrier is the best option with a metal front door. The 19" in this spree carrier is perfect and it's nice for travel as you can hook a no leak water bottle to it as well. I will attach a link for the bottle as well and you can take use in their living space you have set up for them at home. The hanging hay and food feeders hook on to this as well so you can have both water and food in the carrier if it's going to be a longer trip and then use the same hay feeder at home in their living space so you only need to buy one.
Spree carrier Red: https://amzn.to/3So09i2
Green: https://amzn.to/3Ho6Jz1
Blue: https://amzn.to/47Em3C9
Choco Nose water bottle 13 mm teal one is the best one size wise, you will waste your money on the bigger or smaller ones as the water comes out too fast or too slow. https://amzn.to/4b4J6Ju
Hay and food feeder these are my favorite ones however if they are chewers they will eventually chew the front lip down eventually, so I will put other options https://amzn.to/47IEHZy
I love these feeders and the colors they come in however the back has a screw on and may not fit on all cages or carriers. I take a drill and drill a holes and put clips on them to make it easier to clip on. https://amzn.to/3S7Qg6Q https://amzn.to/42cnUNC https://amzn.to/3SqmvQj , these can also transition to your cage or carrier so that is the nice versatility of them.
Other carrier options that are rabbit safe: https://amzn.to/3SqDEJi this one is nice because it has the metal front and a top door as well for easy access. Again the 19" is the best size for your bunny.
https://amzn.to/47LQ2Im https://amzn.to/4b6bE56 https://amzn.to/3S3KfZ0
https://amzn.to/422IgJ5 https://amzn.to/4b4LjEM https://amzn.to/3HomCp2 https://amzn.to/3HoLwET https://amzn.to/3RXuJOg